Sunday, October 19, 2008

Vacation in Florida

We spent 3 days in Florida. Emma had a blast at the beach. She liked it so much she had to have a tantrum when it was time to go home! She got to see her Grandfather for the 3rd time. She still won't let him touch her, maybe next year. She is so shy with strangers. I don't have to worry about her going with a stranger anyways! I would hear her screaming a mile away if a stranger even talked to her! Here are some pictures of her trip.

She loved chasing the birds. As hard as she tried she never caught one!

Having a fit because we were leaving.

Superbaby! She has decided that this shirt is her "secutiry blanket". I was wearing the shirt one night and she kept asking for it so I took it off and gave it to her and she has been carrying it around ever since!

Burying shells.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Emma,

I like the way you were chasing the birds at the beach. Looks like you have had a lot of fun. I always like to go to the beach. I might fly to the Canary Islands in two weeks from now. Would be great if I could take you there. Maybe some day we can go together.
Love you.

Hey Emma,

mir gefaellt wie du die Voegel am Strand gejagt hast. Sieht nach viel Spass aus. Mir gefaellt es auch immer gut am Strand. Ich fliege vielleicht in zwei Wochen auf die Kanaren. Ich wuerde dich gerne mitnehmen. Vielleicht eines Tages.
Hab dich lieb.