Friday, October 24, 2008

Emma's "lovey"

Emma has decided in the last couple of weeks that one specific shirt of mine is her new "security blanket" or "lovey" as they can be called. She used to call it "mama girt" (mama shirt). In the past week her speech has gotten a lot better, the pronuciation. Yesterday we were in a store and Emma decided she wanted the shirt. She starts yelling, "mama shit, mama shit" over and over. I'm very proud that she is saying her words better but it was pretty embarrassing that she was yelling that! We left the store pretty quickly after that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Emma,

I have heard you've been a very good observer on the way to Florida. I am sure it was interesting to see all that water. When I used to live there I was also amazed by crossing all those bridges. I remember that sky bridge in St. Pete which I had to cross when I went to the beach.

Moreover I have heard from your mama shirt. Funny the way you have prounounced it. But I am sure you will fill in the r some day :-)
For now just go with the flow and say it the way you feel it:-)
Keep on going with the good pronunciation.
Big hug.

Hey Emma,

ich habe gehoert, dass du auf deiner Reise nach Florida eine gute Beobachterin warst. Ich bin mir sicher, dass es sehr interessant war, all das Wasser zu sehen. Als ich dort gelebt habe, hat es mir auch immer gut gefallen, wenn ich die ganzen Brücken ueberqueren musste. Ich erinnere mich an die sky bridge in St. Pete, die ich immer ueberquert habe, wenn ich zum Strand gefahren bin.

Ausserdem habe ich von deinem Mama shirt gehoert. Ist sehr lustig wie du es ausgesprochen hast. Ich bin mir sicher, dass du eines Tages das r noch einfuegen wirst:-) Im Moment kannst du es ja aussprechen, wie es dir am besten gefaellt:-) Mach weiter mit deiner guten Aussprache.
Ich drueck dich.