Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Emma had a great Easter this year. She got to meet the Easter Bunny 2 times, once at daycare and once at the egg hunt at the Country Club. Emma told me, "Emma scared of bunny" so we didn't get any good pictures with the Easter Bunny. She got to dye eggs 3 times, once at school, once with Mommy and then with Nana, Papa and Mommy She also had 3 egg hunts, one at school, one at the country club and one in Nana and Papa's yard. She got a bubble mower from the Easter bunny along with she treats. Emma doesn't like chocolate so she got lots of jellybeans and other non chocolate types of candy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Emma I think your bubble mower is such a cool thing and I am sure it is a lot of fun to play with. I am glad to see that you have had a wonderful Easter. Hope you won't be scared of the Easter bunny next year so your Mom will be able to take some photographs. Dyeing eggs is definitely also good fun. Your Grandma in Germany did that, too. Easter over here was also very nice. We had 25°C (77°F) and blue skies. So we had some BBQ outside and which was awesome. Enjoy the bubble mower. Talk to you soon.
Big hug.

Wow Emma dein Seifenblasenmäher ist ja echt ein cooles Spielzeug. Macht bestimmt sehr viel Spass.
Freut mich, dass du schöne Ostern hattest. Ich hoffe, dass du im nächsten Jahr keine Angst mehr vor dem Osterhasen hast, dann kann deiner Mama ein paar schöne Bilder machen. Die Ostereier färben ist defintiv auch eine tolle Sache. Deine Oma in Deutschland hat auch Ostereier gefärbt. Wir hatten hier auch schöne Osterfeiertage bei 25°C und blauem Himmel saßen wir im Freien und haben gegrillt. Ich wünsche dir noch viel Spass mit deinem Mäher. Bis bald - ich drück dich.