Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ear Surgery

This morning we arrived at the Greenville Hospital System Outpatient Surgery Center at 6:30. Emma was pretty happy in the waiting room. I expected her to ask for milk since she gets that every morning as soon as she wakes up but she was fine without it. I think it helped that as soon as I woke her up I put her in the car so she didn't have her normal routine to think about the milk.

We got called back to Pre -Op. Emma was not a happy camper. She screamed at everything they did to her. Nothing was painful, weighing her, taking her pulse, etc. The anesthesiologist came in and talked to me for a minute and then her Dr. talked to us as well. About that time my friend Stacy should up for support which was really nice. She took some pictures so I could share them with you. Emma wouldn't let me put her down so I wasn't able to take pictures like I thought I would.

Not a happy baby. :(

Emma was doing her best to convince me to take her home. She kept saying Bye bye and blowing kisses to all the Dr's and nurses. Too bad it didn't work! I had to hand her off to the nurse anyways. That was the worst moment.

They took me to the Recovery Room and less than 10 minutes later her Dr. came to talk to me and told me everything went great. She had some fluid in her right ear but it wasn't too bad. Her left ear was a different story. It was bad. He said there was a lot and it was really thick, like a gummy bear. He got it all out. They took me too her then. She was just waking up, kind of in and out. As soon as the nurse took off all the monitors I picked her up and was sat in a rocking chair while she woke up. She got a big sippy cup of juice and drank every bit of it! Within 10 minutes she was awake and good to go.

Her surgery was at 7:30 and we were home by 8:30 where she destroyed the living room playing with all her toys! She went for her nap a little early today but other than that she is 100%!


Anonymous said...

Sweet Emma,

I am glad that everything went well. I am sure you have been a very brave girl.
I am very proud of you.

Süsse Emma,

ich bin froh, dass alles gut funktioniert hat. I bin mir sicher, dass du ein sehr mutiges Mädchen warst. Ich bin sehr stolz auf dich.

Anonymous said...

Hi princess,

Your mom told me that the follow up with the ENT went well which was great to hear. I was wondering if you have further pictures which you will post on your hp soon.
Big hug.

Hi Pinzessin,

deine Mama hat mir gesagt, dass der Besuch beim HNO gut war und deine Ohren in Ordnung sind. Das hat mich sehr gefreut. Hast du wieder ein paar Bilder, die du auf deiner hp zeigen möchtest.
Ich drück dich.