Sunday, May 11, 2008


She usually does much better than this but we had done it so many times I think she was bored with it. She will not say one or three and repeats five and six and then will usually say seven, I say eight and she says nine and ten. She didn't want to do four for the video.


Anonymous said...

Hey Emma,

Great job.
How about eins, zwei, drei, vier, fuenf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, zehn.
Keep on going:-)

Anonymous said...

Sweet Emma,

I have checked out your latest pictures. I am wearing the same shoes (except mine are black and not pink).
Big hug.

Suesse Emma,

ich habe gerade deine Bilder angeschaut. Ich habe dieselben Schuhe (allerdings sind meine schwarz und nicht pink.
Ich drueck dich.