Monday, May 26, 2008

Pee pee on the potty!

Emma went teetee (as she calls it) on the potty for the first time! She did it 3 days in a row and I was so proud. The 4 days since that she will not go. That's okay. Until she is really ready it will be hit or miss and I don't think she will really be ready until she is over 2 years old. She is growing up so fast!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Greenville Children's Garden

We took Emma to the Children's Garden in downtown Greenville today. She had a blast. She ran around so much, picked flowers and blew on them (she can't figure out how to smell them just blow on them) and playing with everything. We had a beautiful day to be outside all day too!

Here is a video of my little daredevil doing the rock climb by herself. She went up and down this this thing at least 5 times.

Then a little boy climbed up the wall on the left side so she had to do that as well. That was a little too scary for Nana and Mama so we didn't let her get too far...

Sunday, May 11, 2008


She usually does much better than this but we had done it so many times I think she was bored with it. She will not say one or three and repeats five and six and then will usually say seven, I say eight and she says nine and ten. She didn't want to do four for the video.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Greenville Zoo

Mom and I took Emma to the zoo today. She had a blast! She loved the monkey's best of all.

The elephants were cool...

Riding the bear!

Watching the monkeys!

Her favorite monkeys...

Pretty girl..

Chasing a squirrel! Petting a goat.

She thought the pot bellied pig was funny...

There was a toddler playground in the zoo so we stopped and played for a while. She loves to slide.

No more pictures after the playground because we made her leave and she had a tantrum. She had a great time up til then. It was a great day!