Monday, July 13, 2009

Silly Girl!

My silly girl has a tendency to say things backwards. She has always done this. Sometimes she says hot for cold or vice versa.... Lately she has been saying one thing that had me scratching my head trying to figure out why in the work she would say be after the word cause. If I ask her a why question she always answers, "Cause be....." I thought it was cute but couldn't figure it out until one day when I was telling a friend that she always says be after cause. Oh! BECAUSE!!! Silly girl is getting he word backwards again! It doesn't matter how many times I have her repeat because (which she always does properly), she continues to say cause be.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Who's a big girl???

That's right!! Emma is!

Emma did NOT want to use the big potty. She liked diapers. Finally mommy decided to deal with pee on the floor and put panties on her. 3 accidents and 2 days later she is officially potty trained (for peeing only)!

Go Emma!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Emma had a great Easter this year. She got to meet the Easter Bunny 2 times, once at daycare and once at the egg hunt at the Country Club. Emma told me, "Emma scared of bunny" so we didn't get any good pictures with the Easter Bunny. She got to dye eggs 3 times, once at school, once with Mommy and then with Nana, Papa and Mommy She also had 3 egg hunts, one at school, one at the country club and one in Nana and Papa's yard. She got a bubble mower from the Easter bunny along with she treats. Emma doesn't like chocolate so she got lots of jellybeans and other non chocolate types of candy.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Clemson Girl!

She never stops moving!

Looking at an airplane...

Friday, November 7, 2008


These are the best I can do for pictures. A friend took some much better ones but she is getting married tomorrow and sending me pictures right at the moment is (understandably) not at the top of her list.
Emma was Jojo the Clown from Playhouse Disney. There was also a hat with red yard hair but she really freaked out over that so I didn't push it. It definitely would have looked better with the hat but that's okay. She had a good time. We went to an event at a church and then she trick or treated at a couple of neighbors who were looking forward to seeing her.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Emma's "lovey"

Emma has decided in the last couple of weeks that one specific shirt of mine is her new "security blanket" or "lovey" as they can be called. She used to call it "mama girt" (mama shirt). In the past week her speech has gotten a lot better, the pronuciation. Yesterday we were in a store and Emma decided she wanted the shirt. She starts yelling, "mama shit, mama shit" over and over. I'm very proud that she is saying her words better but it was pretty embarrassing that she was yelling that! We left the store pretty quickly after that!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


As we were driving to Florida we had to cross the Howard Franklin Bridge, which is about a 4 mile long bridge. Emma was amazed by all the water and was looking out the window say, "I see water! Big water!" over and over. Eventually we got across the bridge and it wasn't 2 seconds after you couldn't see the water anymore I hear her in the back saying, "Where'd water go?" It was really cute! She sounded very concerned about it as well.